Do It Yourself Luminary Kids Easy Toddler

Pink, glittery goodness, pungent red roses, and dark delicious chocolates seem to captive even the best of us this time of year. But with all this over-commercialized, unrealistic romanticized idea of what LOVE is supposed to look like, I wanna show my family true love. His name is Jesus.

If you are looking for a fun way to remind your kiddoes how much Jesus loves them, and how we can show our love for Jesus too- remind them to let their light shine for Jesus this Valentine's Day season!

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This would make a great gift for a neighbor or the grandparents. Simply gather your supplies, and turn your crazy monkies adorable artists loose with the supplies.

My kiddoes tend to do well with a visual, so show them the pictures of each step (scroll to the bottom for a numbered picture tutorial!). Then explain one step at a time. If your children are little, you can paint the jar first and let him or her have fun decorating it.

Mason Jar Luminary Craft

  • Mason Jar (short jelly jars work great!)
  • Glass paint (in various colors)
  • Paint Brushes
  • Paint Pens (black and other colors for decorating)
  • Candle or battery-operated tea light

Stuff to Do:

Step 1:

To make this mason jar Valentine's Day luminary obtain some mason jars. Short jelly jars with the edged sides work great for this, but really any size jar will do. (Remember those old baby food jars you stashed? Time to bust 'em out mama!)

Make sure there aren't any labels or bits of paper attached to the jar's surface. If there is any label residue, give it a good scrub with a steel wool pad with some baking soda and dish soap mixture.

Once the jar is clean and dry, then use a paintbrush and some white glass paint to paint the outer surface of the jar. After the first layer of paint is fully dried you can add another layer of paint if you want to.

While the paint is drying, remind your children how much they are loved by God and read Matthew 5: 14-16 and talk about how they can let their lights shine for Jesus.

Valentine's Day | Valentine's Day Party | Valentine's Day Homeschool | Valentine's Day Unit Study | Valentine's Day Plans | History of Valentine's Day | Valentine's Day Unit Study | Valentine's Day Printable

Step 2:

Now to make your mason jar pretty! We want to be a beautiful light for Jesus, not a dull dingy, hidden-under-a-bushel one. First take a thin paintbrush, paint marker, or sharpie and draw two horizontal lines around the circumference of the top and bottom of your jar.

Then draw some vertical lines on the mason jar. To make it look neat, make sure the vertical lines are at the same distance apart. Our short jelly jars already have edges that can be traced.

If your jar is completely round, you can use a measuring tape to make them even. Or just eyeball it if you like to walk on the wild side 😉

Use a ruler and a pencil to draw the lines if you need to make them straight.

Step 3:

Now, draw a straight horizontal line in between and two vertical lines to make a rectangular shape. (See picture below for visual steps 😉 )

Paint the inside of the rectangular shape with a pink shade of glass paint.

Step 4:

Once the pink rectangle is dry, take a red shade of glass paint and a thin paintbrush. Draw a heart shape in the middle of the pink rectangle.

Step 5:

For the final step, color a few more rectangles various colors and draw a few more hearts as you did on the previous steps. Your kiddoes can add more details to their mason jars to make them unique, just like God made them and their lights to be!

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Hi! I am Tiffany, the Outmatched Mama. I am in love with Jesus, have a wonderful husband, and I homeschool FOUR crazy amazing kiddoes! I traded the life of full-time pharmacist work to become a full time wife/mommy/teacher/referee and more! 😉 Most days, life leaves me completely outmatched even with coffee! Thank goodness I don't have to do this in my own strength! (2 Corinthians 12:9) I am so glad you are here! 🙂


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